*The booked time slot is for one whole hour. There is 15 mins slots in between each hour booking to allow for a cross over period. Please make sure you arrive and leave within your hour session. The 15 mins sessions are to make sure no one crosses paths, we also do not have areas to park whilst you wait so please always make sure you arrive and leave on time.
*We offer in field parking so soon arrival please drive through the wooden gate, close it behind you and drive into the dog field parking on the hard standing area only and shut the gate behind you. Dogs are not permitted out of the vehicles untill the gate is fully closed and secure then they are free to be off lead under supervision at all times.
*The booking is purely for the use of the person named on the booking and can not be re sold / sub letted. The person named on the booking must be present at all times. Friends / family are welcome to join the named person with a max of 6 dogs per visit.
*Cancellations must be made with a minimum of 48 hours notice.
*Bookings with 48 hours notice of more will be eligible for a full refund or rescheduled appointment. Bookings with less then 48 hours notice will NOT be refunded or rescheduled.
*No refunds will be made for bad weather conditions.
*No refunds for late comings or no shows. Clients will not be refunded should they leave early.
*4-ALL DOG PARK reserve the right to close the park at any time with notice and refunds will be issued.
*Our gate is coded (we reserve the right to change the code at any time with no notice) you will be sent a gate code once the booking is made and paid for.
*Again please only arrive at your time slot. There is no available parking for waiting so please ensure this adhered to this will make the next booked slot run smoothly.
* Make sure the gates are fully closed and locked after your slot.
*Should you arrive and someone is still in the field at your time please call me immediately for their removal. 07563809132
*Repeat late leavers, will be wanted 3 times and then refused any future entries.
*Should you arrive late you must still leave at the time on your booking no over running.
*Clients must ensure all dog waste is picked up bagged and put in the dog waste bins provided. Any repeat offenders will be banned from using the field in the future.
*Daily random spot checks will be carried out.
*All toys and Bowls must be placed back into the DIRTY BOX not back in the CLEAN BOX. You are free to use any of the toys but please bear in mind not to use very single toy in the box to allow everyone to have something to use throughout the day.
*Water is available for drinking water (dog use only)
again please put bowls back in the dirty box. These are all cleaned and disinfected every day.
*Should you dog/s damage anything at the park you must immediately inform us.
*We do not take and responsibility for any injury caused in our field or using any of our equipment or toys.
*We do not take any responsibility for any dogs that dog out or escape. However fields and fencing is inspected as a min daily.
*Children are welcome but must be fully supervised at all times. Do not allow children to climb on fencing or gates
*There are no lights on sight and some or the ground may be uneven or slippery so please ensure you have suitable footwear on and bring head torches etc should you book a early or late slot in winter months.
*Should you own a banned XL bully please make sure they are registered and hold a 3rd party insurance at all times. They must remain muzzled and on a lead until the gates are fully closed and secured and they are able to be off lead and without their muzzle.
*Clients have sole use of the field in their appointment they are responsible for all the above conditons and also making sure anyone in their group also adheres to the above rules. They are the person with responsibility and will also be banned should anyone fail to comply.
*All dogs must be supervised at all times no dogs are to be tied to any fencing or gate or left in any vehicles.